OneShot Wiki

This page describes policies of the OneShot Wiki. Violating any of these will result in punishment. Please report any activity going against these guidelines to wiki's administrators.


  • Do not violate the Terms of Use
  • Swearing is tolerated but use of slurs (derogatory remarks towards minorities) is not.
  • Do not upload or share content that obviously violates Community Guidelines
  • Do not upload any unrelated or unofficial images to the wiki.
    • On that note, do not share artwork that isn't yours without explicit permission from the artist(s). We mean it, art theft is a subject we do not take lightly, so if you don't have permission, don't do it. We have permission from Nightmargin to upload official artwork and in-game assets, and the image used as an example above was created by Saytenn.
  • Do not vandalize any of the pages or provide false information. If you wish to contribute fanon, you can do so at the OneShot Fanon Wiki.
  • Never harass anyone on this wiki, especially minors.
  • Most importantly... You only have one shot, Visitor.

Punishment based on offenses done to the Wiki are listed below. Admins may skip lighter punishment if they deem it necessary. Even the most minor action may result in a permanent ban, so tread lightly.

  • 1st Offense: Warning
  • 2nd Offense: 1 day ban
  • 3rd Offense 1 month ban
  • 4th Offense: Infinite ban

All of these rules also apply to the Discord server. If you want to chat about the game or other things, join below: If you see this, your JavaScript might be disabled or DiscordIntegrator plugin isn't working. If the latter, please contact a wiki administrator. In case you get banned from the server, you can appeal your ban after one week from being banned on an administrator's wall here on the wiki. If you get blocked from the wiki, you can discuss your block on an administrator's wall, but over at Community Central.


Creating an article

You can use Page Creator for easily creating wiki pages.

Writing/Editing an article

When writing or editing an article, please note that the people who would be reading the articles are people who either do not know the character/location/etc., or would like to know more about that. Which is why please do not write down assumptions (unless said assumptions are noted as such) or things that you are 90% sure of. If you are not sure whether what you'll write down is an assumption or not, ask yourself these guide questions:

  1. Was it explicitly stated in the game's dialogue, code, or narrative?
  2. Did one of the devs explicitly state this fact?
  3. (For characters) Is my description of them specific enough?
  4. (For locations) Does my description of this area encompass generally all of it?

It would be much more beneficial if you write down the assumptions as such (or removing them entirely), and also know how to datamine/mod/view OneShot's data files as this gives you solid proof or evidence that what you wrote down is accurate.
